Blog where, a 16-years-old teenager, iniciated in art and the studies about life, thinks like Aristotel did a long time ago. Link between the unknown and the inexplorated, only lighted by the inoncence's light.

Friday, July 22, 2016

A gun is not a game.

I'm off people seeing USA in Europe the top of the mountain. USA It's not even close to be perfect. They have their own problems but here we can only see the good sides.
But here I am, an european spanish teenager, claiming for gun control. I cant speak for people in USA, the same they cant speak for me, but i can give you my opinion, my side, my view.
And it's a sad view. People here, in Spain, die too. But the difference is that in high school or in school you are not prepared to a gun attack from another student or stranger. In a USA TV series, The fosters, specially in season four, it showed me how students in USA like my age are ready for a gun attack. That shocked me. If you're ready for something it means you have suffered from it a lot of times and you cant fix it, only prepare for when it comes. And it's so sad because you can actually fix it, it's just that it's easier for everyone to get their money and people die.
I'm not going to pray for the Orlando shooting, for every past school shooting, I'm going to fight and to stand up for them that will come. That's why I think USA needs gun control, usual people shouldnt be with a gun. If they expect from others to come attack them with a gun, of course you think oh i should get one. ¡NO! It's not working like this. Everyone need to be without guns, except police or military. A gun is not a game.


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